Tuesday, Jul 01, 2003
After a whirlwind weekend and nearly 1,000 miles on the road, Rachel and I got back late last night. This post is just an 'I'm alive' ping, and to get "Feast or Famine" Ammy off my back. ("Sure is a lot of beige, Kevin") Pbbth. ;-)

Weekend pictures are coming soon, but first I have school stuff and 390 emails to catch up on.

If you like it, please share it.

Hi, I'm Kevin Fox.
I've been blogging at since 1998.
I can be reached at .

I also have a resume.


I'm co-founder in
a fantastic startup fulfilling the promise of the Internet of Things.

The Imp is a computer and wi-fi connection smaller and cheaper than a memory card.

Find out more.

We're also hiring.


I post most frequently on Twitter as @kfury and on Google Plus.


I've led design at Mozilla Labs, designed Gmail 1.0, Google Reader 2.0, FriendFeed, and a few special projects at Facebook.

©2012 Kevin Fox