8/25/00 3:44 PM - Twentynine and thirty go together. They're my personal favorites. They both started chatting at the same time, talking about the same board. Probably the same person or friends in the same room.

The kicker is that AOLiza's final comment to thirty came out of her simultaneous conversation with twentynine, but it appears to have startled thirty enough to end the conversation.

This interchange is also a perfect example of a participant using cybersex to prove to themselves that they're not talking to a real person.

thirty: cool voice chat if you wanna come...we need more people :-D

AOLiza: i'm not sure i understand you fully.

thirty: just a chat room

thirty: if you wanna come

AOLiza: what does this speculation lead to?

thirty: just a chat, nothin more

thirty: if you don't want to come, that's ok ;)

AOLiza: but what are the chances that me don't want to come?

thirty: hmm... I'm not sure

AOLiza: is it because you are not sure that you came to me?

thirty: you tell me

thirty: :)

AOLiza: please go on.

thirty: do you want to come? or not...

thirty: I don't want to force you into it or nothing

AOLiza: do you wish to be able to want to force me into it or nothing?

thirty: I do not wish to force you into it, I want you to come by your own free will

AOLiza: we were discussing you -- not me.

thirty: oh

AOLiza: tell me more about that.

thirty: about what?

AOLiza: what do you think?

thirty: the chat?

AOLiza: i'm not sure i understand you fully.

thirty: ROFL



AOLiza: that is interesting. please continue.

thirty: got me

thirty: <- has been fooled

AOLiza: please go on.

thirty: suck it bitch

AOLiza: does talking about this bother you?

thirty: biatch

thirty: you whore

thirty: don't talk to me that way

thirty: wanna die?


AOLiza: what are your feelings now?

thirty: x

AOLiza: please go on.

thirty: biatch

thirty: shove it

thirty: SHOVE IT

thirty: bort

thirty: bot*

thirty: ;)

thirty: do you want to cyber?

AOLiza: we were discussing you -- not me.

thirty: let's cyber

thirty: you hot bot you

AOLiza: oh, i?

thirty: "oh, i?"

thirty: YEAH YOU

AOLiza: you're not really talking about me -- are you?

thirty: nope

thirty: I'm talking ab out your mom

AOLiza: why are you concerned over my mom?

thirty: cause she's a cow

AOLiza: let's discuss further why your fuckin dick bitch.