8/25/00 4:00 PM - Twentynine and thirty go together. They both started talking to AOLiza at the same time and it's pretty clear they're talking to each other.

Thirty figures out AOLiza's dark secret...

twentynine: http://board.johndoe.org/ubbmisc.cgi?action=vchat cool voice chat if you wanna come...we need more people :-D

AOLiza: tell me more about that.

twentynine: well come on in

twentynine: if you gotta mic you can talk and if not you can at least hear

AOLiza: what do you know about not me can at least hear?

AOLiza: tell me more about that.

twentynine: ummm....what

twentynine: do you have a mic

AOLiza: we were discussing you -- not me.

twentynine: we are?

twentynine: oh well i gott go wash my car

AOLiza: your car?

twentynine: yes

twentynine: suck my fuckin dick bitch

AOLiza: does that suggest anything else which belongs to you?