Google + Email = Gmail
Wednesday, Mar 31, 2004
For those of you wondering why Fury's been kind of slow this year; For those of you who get annoyed when I say I can't talk about what I'm working on; For those of you who wondered 'when?' when I told them I'd be able to tell them soon, that day is finally here!

I'm so very, very happy to point you all to Gmail, or at least the related Gmail press release, since the service isn't publicly available just yet.

I love this time of year...

April 2, 2004: Read the update

If you like it, please share it.

Hi, I'm Kevin Fox.
I've been blogging at since 1998.
I can be reached at .

I also have a resume.


I'm co-founder in
a fantastic startup fulfilling the promise of the Internet of Things.

The Imp is a computer and wi-fi connection smaller and cheaper than a memory card.

Find out more.

We're also hiring.


I post most frequently on Twitter as @kfury and on Google Plus.


I've led design at Mozilla Labs, designed Gmail 1.0, Google Reader 2.0, FriendFeed, and a few special projects at Facebook.

©2012 Kevin Fox